Bibliothèque de Deux-Montagnes

About us

Your Library

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DISCOVER our vibrant, diverse and ever growing multimedia collection of over 90 000 items for each member of your family and all tastes.


The Deux-Montagnes Library, as a community gathering place, provides a responsive and user-oriented service that anticipates the educational, cultural, leisure and other information needs by:

  • offering welcoming and comfortable library facilities enhancing intellectual vitality
  • offering accessible facilities and technology favourising work and study
  • offering access to library resources and programs to enrich lives of citizens


When the parish of St-Agapit was established in 1946, its first curate, Father Chartrand, donated his private collection of books to start a public library. It was first located in the rectory and later in the church basement.

It is not known exactly when this facility was turned over to laymen but records show that the books eventually found their way to the local of the Club Femina where the inexhaustible Annette Magnan offered the many services of the St-Eustache-sur-le-lac library until her death in1975. The Club Femina then decided to sell the books and moved to other premises. A group of concerned citizens decided to form a committee dedicated to the creation of a public library in Deux-Montagnes. The City Council finally agreed to buy the books and got involved with the rent. A large group of volunteers tackled a major clean-up and classification of all the books, while the committee kept pressuring City Council and sollicited grants to create an official public library.

This goal was finally achieved on January 12, 1978 when the City adopted a by-law establishing the Municipal Library of Deux-Montagnes. On March 1st of 1978 all books were moved to the new premises in the Community Center. The library services and collections then took a rapid expansion. It was an instant success with the community. The space occupied by the library was increased from 2,000 to 6,000 square feet following a grant from the Ministère des Affaires Culturelles du Québec.

The modern renovated building was then computerized and continuously enhanced with new services. In 1997, Internet access is our landmark event and who knows what the future holds.

From its modest beginnings, the Deux-Montagnes library is still growing by leaps and bounds. Thanks are due to those pioneers who succeeded in making these riches available to us.  

Tribute to Annette Savoie

Ms. Annette Savoie was a major participant in the municipalization of the library in 1978 and first officer in charge. 

In October 2010, as Mrs. Savoie turned one hundred years old, the City Council recognized her invaluable community contribution by naming the library community hall in her name. An honorific work of art was produced by local artist Marie-Andrée Côté.


Most aspects of the operations of the Library are based upon policies.

Getting a card


Members are responsible for all materials borrowed or rented on their library card. .

Parents or legal guardians are responsible for children and assume full responsibility in the choice of material borrowed from the Library and for their Internet activities.

Suspension of borrowing privileges will occur under the following circumstances:

  • When overdue fines and other charges have accumulated to $5
  • Volontary damages to materials or related to the building
  • Violation of policies
  • Stealing  of materials

Members agree to respect copyright law according to the Canadian Copyright Act or any other party's intellectual property rights with the Library's material borrowed.


Membership is free for all residents, tax-payers and City's employees. The member's library card expires every two years. Parents or legal guardians  must be present to register infants up to and including age 13. In order to register, patrons must present:

  • Current identification providing name, address and birth date
  • Proof of residence

Non-residents can subscribe for an annual fee of $60 for an adult and $35 for a child or senior.

Signing the library card implies acceptance of and adherence to all the rules and regulations of the Deux-Montagnes'Library. The signatory is responsible (or the parent/ legal guardian if the cardholder is under 18 years of age) for all fines and damage or loss of materials.

Member's identification are verified for every membership renewal and all outstanding monies owed to the library must be paid in full.

Categories of members:

Children Birth to ages 13 years inclusive
Adults Ages 14 years plus
Seniors Ages 65 years plus
Corporate members Associations, organisms, schools or nursery schools

The replacement fee for a lost  or broken library card is $5.

Borrowing and renewing

You must have your library card to check out and renew library materials and for some other services. Parents or legal guardians are responsible for children and assume full responsibility in the choice of material borrowed.

Per member 15 items
Loan period 3 weeks
Vacation loans Upon request loan period may be extended.
Some restrictions apply.
Corporate members  10 to 40 items


Per member 3 items
Loan period 21 days

Renewals are allowed on site or by phone calls during opening hours or through our Online Services at anytime.

  • Items cannot be renewed if requested by someone else
  • Items may be renewed twice only.

Homebound Service 

We provide home delivery of library materials to residents confined to their home due to illness or disability.

Homebound members have the same privileges as regular members, except that loan period is extended according to the volunteer's availability. A profile of the member's reading preferences is created with the library's staff to select suitable materials for delivery.

Only valid members can benefit the homebound service. It is possible to register from home and current identification will be checked upon the first visit.

Interlibrary loans 

prppp If material required by a member is not available in our collection, we can try to obtain a copy from another library through interlibrary loan. 

How to get an interlibrary loan?

  • Make a research to determine wether we already own the book in our catalogue.
  • Make a request to library staff at the reference desk. 
  • You may also make a request in our Network of public libraries.  For this service, you must register and submit your request online.
  • The borrowing terms (loan period, fees, renewal, etc.) are determined by the lending library.
  • For renewals, please contact us before the loan period is expired. We will make the arrangements if the lending library agrees.
  • Charges for a lost or damaged book borrowed through an interlibrary loan is determined by the lending library. 


All charges related to the Library's activities and services are reconsidered annually and established in Règlement de tarification de la Ville de Deux-Montagnes.

Fines for items

No late fees for 13 years and under.

$0,15/per item/per day
Maximum fine: $7,50/item
Maximum charges before suspension of borrowing privileges: $5

Requests Free
Lost or damaged books  Replacement cost + $5 administration fee + bookbinding if applicable
Lost or damaged magazines  Replacement cost + $2 administration fee + bookbinding if applicable
Interlibrary loans Free - additional cost may be charged by the lending library additional cost charged by the lending library costan additional cost charged by the lending ladditional cost charged by the lending library additional cost charged by the lending library  
Computers rental Members: free
Non-members: $3/hour
Prints and photocopies

Black & white: $0,15/page
Color: $0,50/page

11x17 color: $0,75/page

Faxes $1/page / local
Cases for CDs, audiobooks, etc. $3/item
Coffee & hot drinks $1,50

Accounts related to Items not returned after overdue notifications will be transferred to the Municipal Court.

Computers & Wireless Access

Internet can be accessed through our 6 public computers and a wireless network for laptops and personal devices. Software provided includes Internet Explorer, Microsoft Office Suite and Adobe Reader. Some computers are also equipped with additional software and databases.

  • Computer use is free for valid members
    • Non-members: $3/per hour
  • A 15 minutes "quick access" terminal is freely available for all users
  • A maximum of two (2) persons is allowed per computer
  • Staff cannot provide assistance with the use of computers

Registration is mandatory at the reference desk and requires a valid library card.

Computers are available for all users of 12 years old and more

  • Monitoring of a child's use of the Internet is the responsibility of parents or guardians.
  • Children under 12 must be accompanied by a guardian to guide their Internet activity.

Reservations for users are only accepted at the library and valid for the next hour.

Sessions are 30 minutes long and additionnal sessions of 30 minutes are allowed if there are no reservations.

Users are responsible for any alteration, damage or destruction of the library's computer hardware or software.

The Deux-Montagnes Library assumes no responsibility for the security or privacy of any online transactions users may conduct.

Wireless access

Laptops and personal devices with a compatible wireless network card have Internet access without time limit. 

  • Printing is not available through personal devices
  • The Library cannot guarantee the security and confidentiality of any transaction


Information Services

You may consult library staff at the reference desk as needed for:

  • Information searching
  • Readers' advisory
  •  Familiarizing with all library services

Online Services

Get online access to your library account with your Personal Identification Number (PIN) provided at the library or by phone during opening hours.

Our online services:


Other Services

Purchase suggestions

The Deux-Montagnes Library strives to build a balanced collection to serve its community. Purchase suggestions are considered and evaluated according to our Collection Development Policy. 

Suggested items must not appear in our catalogue and must be already published.

Older items and refused suggestions may be borrowed through Interlibrary loan .

Reserving materials

A reservation request places your name on a waiting list for an item not currently available. You can reserve materials at the library, by phone during opening hours, or online. 

Once you are notified that your item is available at the library, you have 4 days to pick it up.

Drop box     

All material may be returned through our drop box outside operating hours located near the front door of the library. Any items returned in the drop box before opening the next day will be checked in as if they were returned on the previous day. 

We recommand that you put safely all materials in a bag.

Prints, photocopies & faxes 

A self-serve printer/photocopier/fax device is at the disposal of users for document reproduction, subject to applicables charges.


The Deux-Montagnes Library does not accept document donations.

Patrons willing to donate materials may be put in contact with organisms willing to take them such as The Deux-Montagnes Lions Club.




Catalogue »

We do not have the book you want? You may conduct a search in our network of public libraries and ask us for an interlibrary loan.


Electronic Books »

Online Resources »

Getting a card »

My Account »

Contact Us

Bibliothèque de Deux-Montagnes
200, Henri-Dunant
Ville de Deux-Montagnes (Québec)
J7R 4W6

T. 450 473-2796
F. 450 473-2816


Regular Schedule

(Sept.1 – May 31)

Monday: 1pm – 8pm
Tuesday: 1pm – 8pm
Wednesday: 1pm - 8pm
Thursday: 10am – 8pm
Friday: 10am – 8pm
Saturday: 10am - 4pm
Sunday: 10am – 4pm

Summer Schedule
(June 1 – August 31)

Monday: 10am – 8pm
Tuesday: 1pm – 8pm
Wednesday: 1pm - 8pm
Thursday: 10am – 8pm
Friday: 10am – 6pm
Saturday: 10am – 4pm
Sunday: close


Bibliothèque Deux-Montagnes © 2025. Tous droits révervés

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