Accessing our online catalogue allows you to browse the collection to find material's availability, place reservations on items, renew borrowed items or review your account.
You may use the help screens intended for users who need to search our online catalogue. You may also ask library staff for personal training at any time.
To access your online account from our online catalogue, you need your library card number and a password provided by the library upon becoming a member.
Available Services:
Members must identify themselves with their library card number and password to access our FREE databases.
Don't have your password? Ask for it at the library or by phone during opening hours.
New! The digital newspaper designed for 8-12 year-olds aims to make current events accessible and engaging, empowering young minds to navigate the world of information. Resource and interface in French. |
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Log on to the platform to borrow digital books. New titles are added on a regular basis. Downloaded books can be read on different devices: computers, e-readers tablets and smartphones. Consult the Getting Started Guide to learn all about the installation and operation of depending on the device used. Each subscriber can borrow 3 books at a time for a period of 21 days.
We do not have the book you want? You may conduct a search in our network of public libraries and ask us for an interlibrary loan.